Healdsburg, CA, May 28, 2013. . . Yee-Ha! SonWest Round-Up will be the theme of this summer’s Vacation Bible School at the Healdsburg Community Church, 1100 University Avenue. The week of June 24 through 28, from 8:45 am to 12 noon, kids will have a “rip-roarin’ good time!” says Pastor Dennis Tarr.

All children in the community are welcome to attend. Eligible ages are those entering kindergarten in the fall through those entering 6th grade.  Registrations are now being taken at the church office, 433-8886, and children can also be registered on the first day at the door. The program is free.

The church and grounds will be transformed into the Wild West, with areas equipped and decorated for different activities, such as games, crafts, Bible drama, and Bible stories.

The Vacation Bible School morning begins with large group singing, learning some sign language for the songs, and a short skit based on the daily scripture. Children are assigned to a team, such as Road Runners or Hoot Owls. After the all-group program, each team of children and their leaders are escorted to the different activity sites, so everyone gets to enjoy each type of activity every day.

A freshly made snack is served daily, and allergies will be accommodated. The morning ends in a large group with more singing and prayer for children all over the world. As they are able, the children are asked to bring a quarter ($.25) and a can of food each day. The quarters are added to a contribution from the church and go towards an animal in the gift program of World Vision. The cans are donated to the Healdsburg Food Pantry.

While the program is free, financial donations are much appreciated. Volunteers can help as Ranch Hands (guides for the children), Rodeo Helpers (Bible game leaders), Grubstake Helpers (kitchen crew), Rodeo Yodelers (song leaders), and more.

High school students who wish to volunteer for SonWest Round-Up are eligible for service-hour credit. All adults over age 18 need to be fingerprinted, and the church must receive their paperwork in advance from SCOE (Sonoma County Office of Education, 524-2600). There is childcare for younger siblings whose parent is a volunteer with the program.

Pastor Dennis Tarr is happy to answer parents’ questions at 433-8886, or Office@healdsburgcommunitychurch.org.

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